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「碳資產」的概念涵蓋了淨零行動的方方面面,並在中心的框架下提供全面的管理及規劃服務。中心將為有碳資產需求者提供量身訂製的解決方案,以確保其策略與實踐與國家政策及國際趨勢保持一致。這包括CBAM導入、ISO 14064和14067的專業人員培訓,以及ESG相關人員的培訓等。這一系列的服務旨在協助企業和機構達成其低碳目標,為全球的永續發展貢獻一己之力。


國際碳資產管理中心將成為一個跨界合作的平台,整合全球資源,促進碳資產管理的最佳實踐。透過知識分享、技術創新和業務協同,中心將推動碳中和理念在國際範疇的推廣與實踐。這不僅有助於企業提升競爭力, 更將對全球環境產生積極的影響,為實現永續發展目標作出積極貢獻。


The International Carbon Asset Management Center (ICAM) was established with the vision of becoming a key driver in the development of "international carbon assets". In line with the international Net Zero 2050 trend, the core objective of the Center is to assist the public and private sectors in promoting low carbon policies. Through professional training and seminars, the Centre aims to raise awareness of low carbon issues and encourage stakeholders at all levels of the supply chain to achieve carbon neutrality through various means, tools, and methodologies, in order to substantively support the sustainable development of a green planet.


The concept of "carbon asset" covers all aspects of net-zero actions and provides comprehensive management and planning services under the framework of the Center. The Center will provide tailor-made solutions to those with carbon asset needs to ensure that their strategies and practices are in line with national policies and international trends. This includes CBAM induction, training for professionals on ISO 14064 and 14067, and training for ESG-related personnel. This range of services is designed to help companies and organizations achieve their low carbon goals and contribute to global sustainability.


The International Carbon Asset Management Center will be a platform for cross-border cooperation, integrating global resources and promoting best practices in carbon asset management. Through knowledge sharing, technology innovation and business collaboration, the Center will promote the concept of carbon neutrality in the international arena. This will not only help enterprises enhance their competitiveness but will also have a positive impact on the global environment and contribute to the realization of the goal of sustainable development.




● ISO 14064-1:2008

● ISO 14067

● ESG供應鏈永續專責人員國際認證課程

● 供應鏈碳資產管理師 (即將推出)